This place is so sick!!!

If you're a filmmaker, you know that finding the perfect location is essential to creating a great film. And while there are plenty of amazing locations all over the world, there are just some that I can't wait to shoot at.

TheArtFactory is one of those locations. Located in New Jersey, this former factory has been transformed into an incredible film and photo location. With its high ceilings, exposed brick walls and unique industrial feel, it's the perfect place to create some truly stunning visuals.

And it's not just the location that's amazing, but the team at TheArtFactory are true professionals who are dedicated to making your shoot a success. They have a wealth of experience in location scouting and are always on hand to help with whatever you need.

So if you're looking for an incredible film location in the NJ/NY area, be sure to check out TheArtFactory. You won't be disappointed!

Just some of the filming locations I can't wait to shoot at. If you haven't heard of @artfactorypaterson you're gonna learn today. This place is so sick!!! Shawn SmithScreen Shot 2017-02-09 at 7.20.10 PM.png

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